Another week in lockdown! This is slowly becoming our new normal - so really - how are you feeling about everything going on right now? A few weeks ago I was waking up most days with an underlying niggle of anxiety in the pit of my stomach. Nothing specific - but it was there. Last week I knew I couldn't ignore the niggle anymore. I needed to dig deep into my well-being toolkit and work out what to do to feel better. I started with being strict on my well-being to do list:
- Every day I have been waking up and doing a short meditation (sometimes at night and yes I fall asleep listening to it)
- In the morning I do a page or two of journalling (look up The Artist's Date for more inspiration on this)
- I start my day with a cup of tea
- Some days it's back to bed and a nap with the baby, some days it's movement and stretching on the mat. Every day I take time to listen to what I need. I've been working even more on my mindset since lockdown because I'm all too aware that how we approach situations deeply affects our thoughts, behaviours and actions. I've been paying close attention to how I'm viewing the world right now and how I'm choosing (it's always a choice) to go through each day. I fell into default mode at the start of feeling overwhelmed, worried and anxious at home with a baby and work and no support or social interaction. There have been days when this has spiralled - so why I actively took control and I've been working on my mindset every day.
As well as doing small things each day to boost my mental well-being, I've gone back to my mindfulness teachings to look at how building resilience and a positive mindset is the groundbreaking factor on how we approach any difficult situation - especially the current crisis with positivity and joy.
There are a few keys elements to mastering your mindset so that you can feel more positive (yes it's possible) in these uncertain times.
When I think about mindset, I always start with motivation - why do I want to feel/ think differently right now?
I know that thinking positive thoughts will positively impact my mood and emotions which will in turn lead to positive behaviours and that will leave me thinking and feeling good- so it's a positive cycle.
Knowing why you want something is the best driver because you can always come back to your why - how will it impact your day?
Then I look at where I am right now- what challenges am I facing today, what is triggering me to feel sad / frustrated/ angry and what do I need to take care of myself?
Self-awareness. It's the foundation of mindfulness because without knowing ourselves, it is hard to help ourselves.
I invite you to take a pause right now, place one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly. Start taking some slow, gentle inhales into the body through your nose and exhale slowly. Take a few breaths and in that time, allow yourself to explore anything that's going on.
Ask yourself - what do I need right now?
And then listen.
It might be rest. A cup of tea. Water. Some food. Some fresh air. A chat with a loved one. 5 minutes of no screen time. Another few breaths.
Whatever it is, give yourself that.
Every week I'm hosting an Online Meditation session to help you access your calm and drop deep into your quiet space. We do healing breath exercises and some powerful meditations. Book here!
I've also recorded a podcast episode on mindset - talking about what's been working for me and why I am finding it so powerful right now to be mastering my mind. Have a listen to the episode here and see if it helps you. If you enjoy it (or any of the other episodes) I would love a rating or review - I'm giving a free 121 well-being MOT to one reviewer each month so get on it! Wishing you well for your day ahead.